When can I start my Spanish classes?
When can you start classes? That is the beauty of our flexibility! You can start classes on any Monday of the year. Lessons go from 8:00 to 11:00 or 8:00 to 12:00, depending on whether you chose a 3-hour or 4-hour program. There is always a 15 minute break.
On the other hand, your <span style=”color: #3366ff;”><a style=”color: #3366ff;” href=”http://www.spanish-school-costarica.com/services/homestay/”>homestay</a></span> adventure, where you live with a Costa Rican family to learn Spanish, starts on the Sunday before your first day of classes.
Click <span style=”color: #3366ff;”><a style=”color: #3366ff;” href=”http://www.spanish-school-costarica.com/enroll-now/”>here</a></span> to enroll now!