Our experience learning Spanish online.
“Like people all over the world, we are staying home as much as possible. Our only trips are weekly visits to the supermarket and a fruit stand to buy food for the week. The rest of the time the two of us are at home. After the first week or so, the novelty began to […]
How? SEPA Spanish School makes the learning dig down deeper and faster with three powerful learning agents: STUDY SPANISH: You get dynamic, daily small-group instruction by outstanding, well-trained, native Spanish instructors, approved by the Costa Rica Department of Education. We teach Spanish grammar while emphasizing in conversation. Flexibility and the use of the best techniques and […]
Spanish Immersion in Costa Rica: just the ticket to learn Spanish faster!
How will Spanish Immersion help me learn Spanish faster? Have you ever wondered how you can take a whole semester of Spanish in school and still barely be able to speak a word of it? I recall a brilliant young man named Justin, who was a wizard at conjugating every sort of verb tense after […]
Supersize your travel fun: Take Spanish for Travelers at SEPA!
Get your Spanish language training while you travel! Spanish for Travelers is just the course to take to make your trip to Costa Rica the best trip you ever had. Think about all the other trips you’ve had to other countries. You go there, but you can’t really interact beyond pantomime, Google translator and meaningful […]