Spanish for University Credits

You need Credits AND you need a Vacation! Why not combine them both through our Spanish for University Credits Program?


Costa Rica   View map

Individual Spanish Students:

SEPA Spanish School has partnered with Mt. Hood Community College in Oregon to provide an eight-week Spanish program that will give you the college/university language credits you need to fulfill your language requirements. Many students have studied with us and gratefully received their credits through this excellent program.

In addition, SEPA Spanish School has also partnered with other universities, such as York University, to support students in graduate projects.  We work hard to provide the correct technical vocabulary in addition to the correct general vocabulary you need to complete your work.

How to obtain your Spanish credits:

First, you need permission from your own educational institution.  Second, you need to contact Paul Eckhardt, to enroll yourself  in the Mt. Hood Community College Spanish Abroad Program. He is always more than happy to add more students to the current program. Here is his contact information:

Mt. Hood Community College Director of Study Abroad, Humanities Division:, phone number 503-491-7497.

Are you looking for the perfect setting to teach Spanish for university credits?

Why not sign up your group in our Spanish for University Credits Program? Bringing a group on a Spanish Abroad Program has never been easier or more effective.

How does one go about this?  You follow the same steps as an individual Spanish student.  First, you need permission from your own educational institution.  Second, you need to contact Paul Eckhardt, to enroll your students in the Mt. Hood Community College Spanish Abroad Program. He is always more than happy to add more students to the current program. Here is his contact information:

Mt. Hood Community College Director of Study Abroad, Humanities Division:, phone number 503-491-7497.

After that, your students’ place is assured here at SEPA School and you can get ready to experience the most amazing and pre-organized Spanish abroad program that you have ever directed.  Not only are you free from most of the normal organizational nightmares that accompany education abroad programs, you even receive lessons to improve your own Spanish.

Is this really the best way to learn Spanish faster?  Relevance drives learning….

This new approach to university Spanish study abroad trips punches the envelope of ‘relevance in education.’ It hits all the bells on Bloom’s Taxonomy!  It is the quintessential win-win situation, the best possible blend of Spanish Exchange Student plus Spanish Study Abroad possible. And YOU are the one who makes it all possible!

As a newly-arrived teacher in Costa Rica, you are going to love the outstanding, smooth management of your students’ daily lessons and adventures by the Mt. Hood Community College and SEPA staff.  And while your students are learning with our teachers, you, too, can sit back and fine-tune your own Spanish language conversation skills with one of our fine instructors.

Learn Spanish Faster Through Homestay:

Your students take Spanish classes while they live, one per household, with a carefully-trained, carefully-chosen Costa Rican family for their homestay in Costa Rica experience. They are surrounded by Spanish language, Spanish culture, and Spanish life as opposed to the traditional study abroad trip, where students stay in hotels or dorms with other English-speaking students, consequently spending very little time speaking Spanish. Imagine the difference in your students’ ability to speak Spanish after 8 weeks of this amazing in-home setup!

Imagine, too, the difference in your experience as you, as the teacher, spend your nights with your very own homestay family instead sleepless nights walking the dorm halls, looking for ‘happy wanderers’.

“It was a pleasure working with Nidia [the school director] and the SEPA School.  The profesoras were always coming up with creative ways to help the students learn and practice their Spanish.  Nidia was always available and willing to assist us in any situation.  They truly cared about us, and each and every student.”  Jacob Reilly, Overland Leader, 2015,

Volunteer programs for your student groups:

Be sure to sign your students up for the volunteer programs (no extra charge).  By working along side Spanish-speaking volunteers, your students will learn Spanish faster AND gain a great appreciation of today’s ecological and social issues.  Plus they can add this Spanish for Volunteers experience to their resumes – a huge advantage in today’s competitive job market!

That’s all there is to it!  We can’t wait to meet you!

If you have more questions just contact us.

We pride ourselves on the smooth operation of our group Spanish programs; it is safe to say you hit the easy button AND the learning button by coming to SEPA.

“I came with a group of twelve students from the United States and SEPA helped organize everything from language classes to zip lining.  They were thoroughly organized and everyone I worked with went out of their way to make sure I got all of my needs taken care of.

I was enormously impressed.  I never had to worry about their reliability – everyone, from teachers to drivers, were on time and ready to go.  The teachers prepared fun and dynamic exercises for the students and I was amazed at how much they learned!”    Brittany Lefkoe, San Francisco, CA Overland Leader 2010

Yes, sign my group up for SEPA Spanish School where it really IS a beautiful experience for teachers AND students!

Click here to enroll now! (Make sure you have received approval from your educational institution first, and enrolled with Mt. Hood Community College, or credits may not apply)

Looking for an outstanding Spanish experience for your students without the pressure of grades?

Check out our fun Summer Spanish Programs.




For more information contact us